Lost | Miles away

Lucy has been missing since 8/24 in the Mullenix elementary school area of Port Orchard. If you see her PLEASE call show contact info anytime.

More info on her:
10 years old
Cream/white coloring
Purple collar
Spayed & microchipped

We’ve had 0 leads and 0 sightings. I’ve done everything I can think of. We’ve got posters up, knocked on neighbors doors, walked our neighborhood, posted on Nextdoor/Pawboost, called all local/emergency vets from Poulsbo to Tacoma, called the pierce and kitsap humane society’s, called all local groomers, I’ve been driving around looking for the past 48+ hours. We’ve walked around and asked everyone we’ve come in contact with.

She escaped under our fence. I noticed her missing within 20 minutes of her being gone and we went out immediately searching our neighborhood and surrounding roads. It was a nice day with lots of neighbors outside and nobody saw her. I’m worried someone might have picked her up. Please help us find her! She’s very loved by her family and we want her home. ??

3 years ago
Exact location is hidden for privacy.
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